Sonia & Dianna22979
- 1 heure
- non
- 200
- 2 heures
- non
- 400
- nuit entière
- non
- non
- Massage
- Massage professionnel
- Massage érotique
- Massage urologique
- Massage thaï
- Massothérapie
- Massage à quatre mains
- Massage sportif
- Massage relaxant
- Direction de Sakura
- Strip-tease
- Strip-tease
- Danse du ventre
- Lesbian
- Sports nautiques
- Sports nautiques donnant
- Sports nautiques obtenir
Yes, Believe it! Twin Sisters! Sexy, sweet and naughty twins, Sonia and Dianna. They are stunning ladies, pretty and fit with gorgeous blue eyes. They take pride in their appearance, both are athletic and toned with curves where they should be. Easy to talk to fun and friendly they will make the perfect booking for be it long or short (Shortest booking is 1hr)